Flash Guided Motion Tween

Guided motion tween in Flash is used to move an object on a path. Let's say you want to move your name in a zigzag way or on any hidden path. Let's see how we can create Guide motion Tween using Flash.

Lets select text tool and type you name. Now right click and convert to symbol, select movie and press ok

You will notice that text is on a layer called layer 1. Now we need to insert a path for this layer where we can move our text

lets insert a path by clicking on "Add motion Guide" from time line pannel. You will notice a guide layer in layer pannel

Lets take pencil tool and draw a line

Insert a keyframe on same frame, say on 25 frame for both layers (Layer 1 and Guide Layer).

Now we need to connect our text to path. To do that, let's move our text close to the start of path. You will notice the text will get a circle in the middle. Here you can leave your text.

Now click on text layer (Layer 1) and anywhere between your first and last frame right click and select create motion tween

Now let's drag you text (make sure it's only text) to the end of your path and stick it to the end of you line

Now test your movie by click on Control Menu and Test Movie or Keyboard keys Ctrl with Enter. That's it, you will see your text moving on the path. This is how we can create a simple Motion Guide Tween.