ASP.NET Variables

Variables is for temporary storage of data. the keywords is DIM.

A Variable is memory allocation for data storage. It has got an address, name, value and type

Address: Physical space in the computer memory where data is stored.
Name: Unique identifier for which it can be referred as. Naming convention:
A) a-z, A-Z, 0-9
B) It can not start with a number
C) It can not be part of reserved keywords of the language
D) No special characters except underscore.
Value: Data stored in the variable.

Type: Classification of data stored according to its format.

  • String            = Variable type that stores characters
  • Integer          = Variable type that stores whole numbers lesser that 32000 aprox.
  • Long             = Variable type that stores whole numbers greater that 32000 aprox.
  • Decimal         = Variable type that stores number that require a decimal value
  • DateTime       = Variable type that stores date values

Boolean         = Variable type that stores either true or false values


            'Declare variable and assign it a value
            DIM a AS Decimal = 50.14

            'show on the screen

            'Declare variable and assign it a value
            DIM b AS Integer = 1562154
            'show on the screen


            'Declare variable and assign it a value
            DIM c AS String = "this is string"
            'show on the screen


Dim TheDate As DateTime
TheDate = "18/05/2006"