the settings of users. Normally stored locally in Doc's & Settings folder. types of prof are
. local
. roaming
. mandatory
. local -> if the prof doesn't exist for a user, then the default user prof is copied for that user. IF we store something in all users folder then its going to be visible to all users.
. roaming-> first req is to create a nw share folder, store user prof in nw share. second configure ad, so it can fetch prof for user. To create profile, copy the existing user profile to nw share by using Sys Prop-Adv-User Prof-settings and then in ad define the path to this folder by using unc(universal naming convention) path (user-prof)
go to run->serername
etlogoncopy default user profile here from doc & settings. select users from ad & in profile type server1profiles\%username%
. mandatory
are fix user profiles. user always get same settings. When user logoff then they will lose their settings and they will get back the fix settings again. we can provide a share folder for men user, where they can store their data
in order to make man go to user from doc &settings and from user forlder (for example max1) change NTUSER.DAT to
create one share for a user:
to provide a share home folder to a user or many users.from ad-prof-home folder select connect to Z and type server1homeuser name or for multiple users server1home\%username%
create a scritp to allow mulitple share instead of one
server-netlogon-create map.bat-edit- over here map share folder for users by typing this script
net use m: server1profiles
net use n: server1home
net use x: server1profiles
net use y: server1home
go to ad-slect user-in logon script-map.bat (or file path)
to control disk usage for users->use disk quota. otherwise, if users are storing movies on their desk, then it will be saved on server and when they login then all data needs to be downloaded