SQL Alter

SQL Alter Table Query is for Changing the table's structure. We can use Alter Table Command to Add a column to table, Remove a column and even Change an already available Column Data Type.

Alter for Adding a new Column

Alter table TableName add ColumnName DataType

Example on MySQL:
Alter table orders add tax float(6,2) after amount;

Example on MsSQL Server:
Alter table Product add Pstock int

Alter for Removing a Column

Alter table TableName drop ColumnName

Example on MySQL:
Alter table orders drop tax;

Example on MsSQL Server:
Alter table Product drop column Pstock

Alter for Changing a Column

Alter table TableName modify ColumnName datatype

Example on MySQL:
Alter table customers modify name char(45) not null;

Example on MsSQL Server:
Alter table Product alter column Pdesc varchar (150)